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The e-SHE project team organized the University Leadership Engagement Workshop event on August 25 and 26, 2023. The event consisted of a welcoming dinner, the university leadership engagement workshop, a resource center universities quarterly meeting, an academic vice presidents business dinner, and the signing of a tripartite MoU.

The events brought together representatives from the Ministry of Education (MoE), Shayashone PLC, Arizona State University, and the five resource center universities.

Discussions focused on the implementation of e-learning in Ethiopian higher education institutions, with participants sharing their experiences, challenges, and recommendations.

Welcoming Dinner

The welcoming dinner was held on the evening of August 24, 2023. The project team undertook networking and team introduction activities. They also distributed promotional material (brochures, notebooks, business card holders) and briefed the guests about the event.

University Leadership Engagement Workshop

The workshop was held on August 25 and 26, 2023. Participants included the senior leadership of the MoE, presidents, vice presidents, academic vice presidents, as well as ICT directors and e-learning coordinators of universities, and the e-SHE project team members.

Resource Center Universities Quarterly Meeting

The quarterly meeting of the resource center universities was held on August 26, 2023. The ICT directors and e-learning coordinators of four of the five resource center universities (Jimma, Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, and Hawassa) discussed the Quarter 2 progress review, (plan, result, and lessons learned) and Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 planning (plan, potential challenges, and key interventions needed) for each thematic area with the project team.

Academic Vice Presidents Business Dinner

The business dinner was held on August 26, 2023. Yared Sertse from the e-SHE team presented the five-year and year 2 e-SHE targets, human resource development indices for cluster-lead universities, human resource development progression scorecard, and major challenges and call for action to the Academic Vice Presidents (AVPs).

Tripartite MoU Signing

The tripartite MoU was signed between the Ministry of Education, Shayashone PLC, and the five resource center universities on August 25, 2023. The MoU established five multimedia studies in each university as a milestone platform to produce digital education content.


Key outcomes included the identification of priority areas for collaboration, the development of an e-learning policy and guidelines, and the signing of a tripartite MoU to establish five multimedia studios in each resource center university.

Overall, the events provided a platform for stakeholders to engage in dialogue and work towards the common goal of improving access to quality education through e-learning in Ethiopia.

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The e-Learning for Strengthening Higher Education (e-SHE) is a multistakeholder initiative owned by the MoE, intended to boost the relevance, quality, access, and resilience of higher education in Ethiopia.



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